Telekom.de Remote Command Execution! | Security Down!

Telekom.de Remote Command Execution!


Salam from Egypt 😀

Welcome to this blog post about a Remote Command Execution Vulnerability that affected Telekom.de!

It all started when i found below Domain: http://umfragen.telekom.de/  ( umfragen = suggestions in Deutsch language)

Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 9.03.47 PM

The index page of the domain gives nothing! also i tried some google dorks to find pages on that domain but couldn’t find anything useful.

Now it is the time for some Brute-Forcing attacks!

I’ve used a file brute forcing application i wrote in python time ago, and I found below page: upload.php

Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 9.05.30 PM


As you can see, the page has nothing useful at all! i tried to mimic a normal file upload functionality with some common parameters but nothing worked!

Now it is the time for Pemburu 😀

What is Pemburu?

Pemburu (The Hunter in Bahasa Melayu Language) is an application I wrote in python, the main idea behind Pemburu is Gold-Digging

lets say you have the same scenario like in my case here, where i have this page: http://umfragen.telekom.de/upload.php  But can do nothing!

You just give that link to Pemburu and it will perform below actions:

1- Will try to add common files extensions to the file name to search for a backup for that file such as:

upload.php~ (~ is a default ext for a backup file which will be generated when the system admin tries “nano upload.php”)

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 10.58.38 PM

2- Will try to manipulate the domain name itself searching for another copy of the file located else where such as(notice the Blue color):

http://umfragendev.telekom.de/upload.php, http://umfragen1.telekom.de/upload.php, http://umfragen2.telekom.de/upload.php

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 11.07.41 PM

That said,

I started the Pemburu, passed the URL to the tool, and got below url as a result:

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.46.59 AM

Pingo!  i found below page:


When browsing the above found page, it contained below source code:

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 1.49.03 AM


This is simply a mis-configuration at the server side, it doesn’t understand that this is a php file unless you begin your code with:


if you started your code with “<?” it will not understand it and will render it as a normal text!

That said, now i’ve the source code of the page!, after going through the source code, i found below vulnerable function:

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This function is vulnerable because it takes the user input from a POST parameter without any sensitization, concatenate it with other strings & user inputs, and then pass it to php system() function, system function is usually used for command execution and should be used with cautious!

This is a clear Remote Command Execution, as a result i started testing the POST parameters and below is the final POST request that triggered the RCE:

POST /upload.php HTTP/1.1
Host: umfragen.telekom.de
A=x&B=xx&ACCOUNT_PWD=";uname -a;"&LANG=en&ACTION=results


Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 2.32.23 AM

Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 8.10.32 PM

The bug were fixed within 2 days by Duestch Telecom CERT.


You can try the “Pemburu” tool on Github:


Your feedback is highly appreciated 🙂




  1. Max - November 14, 2015

    Awesome writeup and really nice creativity!
    There is only one thing i want to add 😉
    German (Deutsch) != Dutch (–>Netherlands)

  2. missoum - November 15, 2015

    time ago i found RCE in *.telekom.de but no bounty :/

  3. paresh - November 21, 2015

    C:\Pemburu-master>pemburu.py https://testttt.com/upload.php
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “C:\Pemburu-master\pemburu.py”, line 2, in
    import requests, urlparse, sys
    ImportError: No module named requests

    showing this error

  4. fish - January 22, 2016

    hey bro can I get ur file brute forcing
    application that ur wrote

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